Who we are
The Voice of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) in Kenya
As the voice and lobbyists for Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya, we at KUSCCO have been at the forefront of efforts to form and develop strong and viable SACCOs.
Our key roles at KUSCCO - as the umbrella body for SACCOs - are mainly advocacy and representation. In addition, we offer SACCOs and other cooperatives financial and technical assistance, tailored to largely benefit the middle and low income earners both in Kenya’s rural and urban areas. This is a significant fraction of Kenya’s population that drives the country’s economy through the small and medium enterprise (SME) engine.
We are aware of the many challenges facing SACCOs in Kenya, which includes, among others, competition from commercial banks in Kenya, insufficient capital base, lack of or slow rate of Information Technology (IT) adoption, and inefficient loan pricing strategies.
We are here to address these problems and strengthen the cooperative movement in Kenya. At KUSCCO, we believe in the strength of unity and have tailored products and services to benefit all the SACCOs and their members in Kenya.
Our Role
We have specially tailored services and products designed to benefit our members and affiliates, who are drawn from the cooperative movement in Kenya.
Some of the products and services we offer SACCOs in Kenya include:
- Spokesmanship and Advocacy
- Representation
- Promotion of SACCO Societies
- Risk Management Services
- Central Finance Fund
- Education and Training
- Consultancy and Compliance
- Corporate Affairs and Marketing
- KUSCCO Housing Fund
- Sacco Star Magazine
The SACCO Movement in Kenya
The SACCO movement in Kenya is billed as the largest in Africa and among the top 10 globally. The movement has mobilized domestic savings to the tune of about Kshs. 400 billion, accounting for 33% of the national savings and are major drivers of the economy. They have an asset base of over Kshs. 300 billion. SACCOs have thus become a vital component of Kenya’s economic and social development.
Challenges Facing Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya
Despite the fundamental socio-economic role of SACCOs in Kenya, most of the savings and credit cooperatives are faced with a number of challenges, such as:
- Traditional Products
- Leadership and Governance Issues
- Capitalisation
- Taxation
- Information and Communications Technology
- Regulation and Supervision
- Developing Competitive Business Models
- Demand for Loans
- Non-Remittance of Fees by Members
- Outreach
We were registered in 1973 to address these problems and lobby relevant authorities and economic sectors to create a conducive environment in which SACCOs and their businesses can prosper.
The KUSCCO Structure
Our operations are run through 5 regional offices and 9 branches throughout Kenya. The regional offices are located in:
- Nairobi – Nairobi Region
- Kisumu – Western Region
- Nakuru – Rift Valley Region
- Mombasa – Coast Region
- Embu – Mt. Kenya Region
The branches are located in Eldoret, Kisii, Kakamega, Athi River, Nyeri, Meru, Thika, Kericho and Malindi
As a national organisation, our supreme authority is vested in the delegates who are drawn from all the regions in Kenya. Currently, we have 160 delegates drawn from all the counties in Kenya
As a Union for Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya, we are committed to professional and quality service aimed at growing and developing SACCOs and the cooperative movement in the country.
This is underscored by our vision “To be a world class national co-operative organization for SACCOs.”
SACCOs in Kenya need dedicated representation and to speak in one strong voice to advance their interests as businesses entities, as well as the welfare of their members. We are at the forefront in this regard and are guided by our mission – “Promotion of SACCOs through advocacy and provision of quality, diversified, innovative and market-driven products and services for sustainability.”
Core Values
- Customer Focus
- Integrity
- Team Work
- Innovation and creativity
- Professionalism.
our Objectives
Driven by our mission and guided by a vision to develop and represent micro, as well as macro savings and credit societies, our key objective as a Union is:
- To provide advocacy, lobby, advice and protect members against adverse legislation and/or restrictions;
- To act as the principal local and international representative and mouth-piece of all SACCOs in Kenya;
- To promote the organisation and development of viable SACCOs in Kenya;
- To help improve the internal management of savings and credit societies by providing a standardised management system for the SACCOs and the cooperative movement in Kenya;
- To promote a common code of ethics based on co-operative principles among SACCOs, their officials, employees and members.
- To promote among SACCOs, and their officials, employees and members a common code of ethics based on co-operative principles.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is made up of 15 qualified individuals elected by Member SACCOs from all regions in Kenya. The primary responsibility of the Board is to protect shareholders’ assets and ensure they receive a decent return on their investment..
George Magutu
(Provincial Chairman – Central Province; Treasurer – Nyeri Teachers SACCO)
Elly Oyugi
(Provincial Chairman – Nairobi; Chairman – Kenya Bankers SACCO)
Raphael Bukachi
| BOARD MEMBER (Honorary Secretary – Asili SACCO) |
David Ogega
(Chairman – Gusii Mwalimu)
Alfred Mlolwa
(Chairman – TaitaTaveta Teachers SACCO) |
Geoffrey Karuku
(Deputy Commissioner Ministry of Co-operative Development & Marketing) |
Isaac Sheunda
| (Chairperson – Sukari SACCO) |
Peter Karemanu
| (Chairman – Solution SACCO) |
David Mategwa
(Chairman – Kenya Police SACCO) |
Peter Manga
(Chairman-Neno SACCO) |
David Moyia
(Treasurer – Kakamega Teachers SACCO) |
David Langat
(Vice-Chairman - Imarisha SACCO [Kipsigis Teachers]) |
John Munyaka
(Metropolitan SACCO) |
(Kimisitu Sacco) | |
Phillip Rirei
( |
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